Inland Marine
What is Inland Marine Insurance?
What is Inland Marine insurance?
Property in transit insurance is also known as inland marine insurance, which gets its name from insuring the transportation of goods over water. Over the years, inland marine coverage has expanded to also cover goods in transit on land.
The types of goods covered by inland marine insurance include:
Property being transported
Computer equipment and data
Fine artwork
Accounts receivable
Does Your Business Need Inland Marine Insurance?
If you or your employees place items or data in your personal or work vehicles for work purposes, you may need property in transit coverage. If your property insurance policy limits or excludes coverage for valuables, you may need property in transit coverage.
If your business has valuables that cannot be conveniently or reasonably confined to a fixed location or insured at a standard rate, talk to us about property in transit coverage.
Inland marine endorsements, floaters and other additional options complement your inland marine coverage with an endorsement, floater or other option, including:
Builder’s risk/Builder’s risk broadening endorsement
Contractor’s combination policy
Contractor’s equipment/Contractor’s equipment broadening endorsement
Equipment sales and rental coverage form
Installation floaters
Inland marine floater transit coverage (added insurance when you ship inventory greater than $2 million in value)
Mobile medical equipment coverage
Motor truck cargo liability coverage
Want a Free Inland Marine Insurance Quote?
Grow Green Insurance offers unique inland marine solutions such as:
• Specialty carriers for every industry
• Preferred pricing through partnered relationships
• “Pay What You Want” in Broker Fees